
PT & Nutrition Client

Recovering from injury & wanting to lose weight and improve muscle tone

Jan-Mar 2022

I initially did the online pilates classes, which I really enjoyed. The pace was excellent and all the moves were very controlled which helped me build my strength and flexibility.

As I was fast approaching my 50th Birthday and having put on some excess weight over Covid, I decided it was time to invest in my health. So I booked 6 PT sessions with Rachel, which I am absolutely delighted I did. At the beginning I was a little apprehensive, I had never worked with a personal trainer and was worried I wouldn’t be able for it. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised. Rachel put a programme together which was specific to my needs, and managed to make each session different and more challenging as my fitness improved. I had never used free weights before, but am now a complete convert, with my own set of weights for home workouts.

I cannot recommend Rachel highly enough, her instruction is excellent and she always made the sessions interesting and enjoyable. It wasn’t long before I was seeing and feeling the results. It was exactly the motivation I needed. So thank you Rachel!
— CL, Dublin

Client Attending Online & Studio classes. Was suffering back, glute & shoulder pain post discectomy surgery

For the last few months I have been very busy clearing a house for sale - my back has tolerated all the work really well and that has to be down to the Pilates classes. They have made a huge difference. My shoulders are improving too. So Thank you.
— NJ, Dublin

Nutrition Client

Type 1 Diabetic
Goals: Weight Loss, Healthy Eating


“I am a 69 year old insulin dependent diabetic who signed up for a personalised eight week weight loss campaign with Rachel. She provided a coherent, structured, well researched monitored programme of nutrition, exercise, diet and good humoured encouragement which meant that I met my targets and for the first time in many years achieved consistently healthy blood glucose readings. I am very grateful to her and would warmly recommend her programme. This lady knows her business. Her approach to nutrition is evidence based Up to date and reliable, her methods are practical and sensible and her targets achievable and realistic.”

— JH, Dublin

Healthy Eater
Goals: Rapid Weight Loss

J came to me with a tight deadline and an ambitious target of weight loss. She posed quite a challenge, a very healthy eater, doesn’t drink alcohol, exercises regularly and cooks from scratch!

We worked very closely together to find the right calorie deficit. I adapted many of her favourite recipes & which meant that she could continue to eat all her favourite meals, with a few modifications to help reduce calories.

J lost 10Kg during our 8 week plan. She now has her own recipe book and has learnt some life hacks which will help her maintain her perfect weight.


“I have always been interested in nutrition and healthy eating, but there was so many extra bits of information that was the key to my success this time – such as ensuring adequate protein to help me feel full and sustain the weight loss. I found working with Rachel on a one on one basis paramount to the success of my weight loss journey. Rachel empowered me to continue going and to be realistic in my targets and goals, as well as being open to checking in with me continuously, as I felt I needed ongoing support. We have continued to stay in touch and I am delighted to say I have kept the weight off, over a year later!!”

— JB, Dublin

IBS Sufferer
Goals: Weight Gain, Tone and Strengthening


“I have to say, I really enjoyed the 8 week programme and working with your guidance made it all come together much more successfully than I had imagined. If somebody said to me 8 weeks ago I would be able to build so much upper body strength in such a short time I would not have believed it.

Also the nutritional programme has been immensely helpful. I am delighted with all the recipes and even more delighted to find foods that are easy on my system!

Thank you for your time and effort – having worked with somebody who is so passionate about what they do makes such a difference. It is clear that you are very dedicated to your work and put in so much time, effort and long hours.”

— BD, Dublin